Thursday, June 4, 2020

Garden Tour Extraordinaire

Clivia's  flanking Jim's front steps

A triad of variegated shrubs -- Distylium, Acuba and Osmanthus? 

Urn with Holly Fern, skirted by Picea abies --- ? and a stoloniferous saxifrage blooming in the distance

Flowers of P. 'Spotty Dotty'

The rock garden

Jim, I think this could be Silene armeria, not the one you had on your list. 

Aspidistra in a pot

Hypericum 'Brigadoon' with chamaecyparis......

Crevice garden in a trough

And then on to Kevin's garden and menagerie.....  

Such a handsome, happy couple!

A swim across the pond is just the thing to get the bowls moving

And she, or is it he, is off....

Crinum bulbispermum

Bletilla bonanza!

Aroids coming up through Asarum slpendens

What's the white variegated thing??

Mt Laurel from a big box store.  Wow.



View of Yucca rostrata

Brodiaea laxa ?